Dreamcatcher Holistic Healing

Navigating the Breakup: The Challenge of Starting Over After 40

Published October 19, 2023

Navigating the Breakup: The Challenge of Starting Over After 40

Recently in an open forum, a woman shared this message with me:

"I recently ended a relationship. To tell you the truth, what saddens me most is not so much the breakup itself, but the challenge of starting over. I know clearly what I don't want and I consider it essential not to get stuck. However, I confess that I experience a certain reluctance to embark on this new stage. I don't feel completely confident; for many years, I have dedicated myself to forging my career and building an independent life. At some point, I became convinced that there was nothing wrong with singleness, and even told myself that I would be a sort of perpetually single "rich aunt" in my family.
What I would never admit to anyone is that, deep in my heart, I longed to be in a couple. However, for me, this seemed like an impossible goal to achieve. I don't feel particularly attractive after crossing the 40-year barrier and, honestly, I don't think it's possible or even reasonable to start "fresh" in the world of romantic relationships at my age. It feels like I'm in ridiculous territory. Also, because of past experiences, I'm afraid of falling into the same destructive dynamics. On the subject of sex, it seems to be completely out of my league "

*What can I do?

**bold Since this is a consultation that addresses interesting topics and touches on issues that I frequently hear in my sessions, I have decided to share this post. I hope that this message will not only help you, but also many other women who are on the road to finding a partner, re-experiencing love, overcoming grief, and finally learning to love in a beautiful and meaningful way.

I completely understand your feelings and concerns, and I want you to know that you are not alone in this. The thought of starting over after a breakup can be overwhelming, especially when you're past 40 and feel like you've lived a lot. Often, we convince ourselves that being alone is the best option, but deep in our hearts, we long for a meaningful relationship. There's nothing wrong with that; it's a natural part of being human.

Your self-esteem seems to have suffered due to past experiences, but I want to remind you that beauty is not only reflected in physical appearance, but in confidence and authenticity. After all you've been through, you are much more ready than you think for a new relationship.

Fear of repeating patterns from previous relationships and concern for your children are understandable. However, each relationship is unique and provides the opportunity to learn and grow. You can make more conscious and healthy choices for yourself and your children.

Regarding physical appearance and intimacy, keep in mind that we all change over time, but true emotional connection and intimacy go beyond physical appearance. Don't let these thoughts stop you from pursuing love and happiness.

The experiences of other women who have gone through similar situations have shown that love and happiness are possible at any age. Seeking support, both from friends and professionals, can help you in this process.

**You are in a time of transformation and growth, and you deserve happiness and love in your life!

Most of us have faced: the pain of grief after a breakup. As a holistic psychologist with over 20 years of experience, I know that healing a broken heart is a profound process that deserves our full attention and care.

The Pain of a Breakup: We all know that the end of a relationship can be an overwhelming experience. It's normal to feel a mix of emotions, from sadness and anger to uncertainty about the future. What perhaps not everyone knows is that these emotions can be related to our family history and limiting beliefs.

**Invisible Loyalties: Family constellations teach us that we often carry in our hearts invisible loyalties to our family of origin. These loyalties may influence our relationships more than we realize. Healing our heart involves recognizing these loyalties and freeing ourselves from them.

Limiting Beliefs: Throughout our lives, we accumulate beliefs about love and relationships. Some of these beliefs can be limiting and prevent us from finding true love or healing after a breakup. In family constellations, we explore these beliefs and transform them.

The Power of Family Constellations: Through family constellations, we can look deep into our hearts and heal emotional wounds that may be interfering with our relationships. This therapeutic technique can help us release family loyalties that do not serve us and transform limiting beliefs.

To begin with I want to leave you with some questions to reflect on your fear of finding a partner:

  1. what makes you feel insecure about starting over and looking for a partner?

  2. What are your biggest fears or concerns related to starting a new relationship at your age?

  3. How do you perceive yourself right now in terms of self-esteem and self-image?

  4. Have you considered seeking professional support, such as a therapist or coach, to work on your confidence and self-image?

  5. What kind of relationship would you like to have at this stage of your life? What are your desires and expectations?

  6. Have you explored ways to take care of yourself physically and emotionally? Health and personal well-being are important aspects of any stage of life.

  7. How do you feel about the idea of enjoying intimacy and sex again in a future relationship?

Some emotional cues after separation:

  1. Feeling insecure about starting over and looking for a partner is a common experience, but it is essential to remember that beauty is not limited to age. Beauty lies in confidence and self-acceptance. Working on your self-image and self-esteem is critical. Instead of focusing on what you perceive as flaws, seek to highlight your unique qualities and attributes. Beauty comes from feeling good about yourself and projecting that confidence.

Your fears and concerns are valid**, but it's important to remember that every relationship is unique. To overcome these fears, you can work on changing your limiting beliefs. Recognize that you deserve a relationship that makes you feel valued and respected. Face your fears with positivity and confidence. Consider learning from your past experiences and applying that knowledge to make wiser decisions in the future.

  1. **Recognizing that the breakup has affected your self-esteem is an important first step. Working on your self-image and self-acceptance can be beneficial in regaining confidence. This may involve activities such as practicing self-compassion, visualizing yourself in a more positive light, and surrounding yourself with people who support and value you.

  2. The possibility of seeking professional support, Shaman Alejandra as a Holistic psychologist can not only help you strengthen your confidence and self-image, but also provide you with tools to face your fears and achieve your goals of a healthy relationship.

  3. Exploring what kind of relationship you desire at this stage of your life is a process that can lead you to greater clarity and direction. You can start by identifying your personal desires and expectations. Consider journaling or talking with trusted friends about your goals. Clarity on your goals will help you make informed decisions and move you closer to what you really want.

  4. **Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally is critical, and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle is excellent. Also, consider exploring ways to take care of yourself emotionally. This could include meditation practice, emotional support therapy or creative activities that nurture your inner well-being.

  5. Feeling embarrassed about intimacy and sex is understandable, especially after a painful experience. However, intimacy is a natural part of a relationship. It is important to take the time to heal emotionally and be safe before exploring this facet. Open and honest communication with a potential future partner is key to overcoming shame and ensuring a respectful and pleasurable experience.

**Remember that this process takes time, and it is okay to feel this way. Seeking support and working on yourself will help you overcome your fears and be in a place of confidence to start a new relationship when you feel ready. The key is to take care of yourself and move at your own pace.

Here are some questions that may help you deepen your process of reflection and decision making about dating again and finding a partner, love:

  1. what appeals to you more in a relationship: the idea of having loving companionship or the independence and freedom of being single?

  2. What learnings or insights have you gained from your past relationship experiences that you would like to apply in the future?

  3. How do you imagine yourself in an ideal relationship? What qualities do you look for in a partner that are compatible with your values and goals?

  4. What limiting beliefs or negative thoughts may be influencing your perception of your search for a partner? How can you challenge and change those beliefs?

  5. What activities or hobbies do you enjoy doing in your free time that might give you the opportunity to meet like-minded people?

What concrete steps can you take to increase your confidence in finding a partner, such as seeking professional support or working on your self-image?

How do you feel about the possibility of a relationship where you can be yourself, with all your challenges and strengths?

What is most important to you in a relationship, what are you willing to compromise, and what boundaries would you set?

  1. What are your expectations for communication, intimacy and commitment in a future relationship?

  2. What would you personally like to achieve, regardless of your marital status? How can you integrate your personal goals with your search for a partner, if so?
    your personal goals with the search for a partner, if you so desire?

These questions can serve as a starting point for exploring your deepest thoughts and feelings about finding a partner. Taking the time to reflect will allow you to make informed decisions and feel confident in your process.

I invite you to explore the benefits of my therapeutic approach:

1.Family Constellations: Through this powerful therapeutic tool, we can identify and heal invisible family loyalties that may be affecting your relationships and personal decisions. Free yourself from patterns and burdens that limit your growth.

  1. Limiting Beliefs: We will work together to identify and challenge beliefs that may be holding you back in your development and well-being. Transform negative thoughts into positive and empowering ones.

  2. Holistic Psychology: My approach considers the whole person: mind, body and spirit. We address your challenges from a holistic perspective to promote health and balance in all aspects of your life.

  3. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: Through the work of self-exploration and deep understanding, I will help you discover your true potential and achieve greater self-realization.

  4. Life Decisions Support: I will provide you with tools and guidance to make informed decisions aligned with your personal values and goals.

I encourage you to take the step towards a more fulfilling and satisfying life. If you are ready to break free from limiting family loyalties, challenge beliefs that don't serve you and embrace your potential, contact me. Together, we will work to overcome obstacles, strengthen your self-esteem and move toward a happier, more fulfilling life.

Don't let the past and limiting beliefs define your future, it's time to take control of your life and experience the transformation you deserve!

Contact me today and let's begin this journey to emotional wellness and personal growth.

I'm waiting for you with open arms to help you blossom and find peace in your life! 🌱🌟

Contact me now and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and satisfying life!
With love,

Shaman Alejandra,


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