Dreamcatcher Holistic Healing

Discover the mysteries and secrets of the Number 18-18:18| Numerology, Angels and Therapeutic Tarot

Published August 19, 2023

Discover the mysteries and secrets of the Number 18-18:18| Numerology, Angels and Therapeutic Tarot

Hello, I'm Shaman Alejandra your psychologist and holistic healer in this video we are going to talk about the number 18.

What is the spiritual and symbolic meaning of the number 18 in different traditions and cultures?
What is the message that your guides and angels want to give you every time you encounter this number over and over again?
3. What role does the number 18 play in numerology and how can it influence our lives?
4. How can we interpret the messages and signs that come to us through the number 18?
5. What tips or spiritual practices can we follow to better connect with the energy of the number 18?

I have created this video to help you know in essence the meaning of the number 16 and how it can help you in your transformation and personal development from a holistic perspective.

We will talk from three perspectives: Angels guides, numerology and therapeutic tarot.

Are you ready to get started?

What does it mean to see the 18 -18:18? A perspective from the guides, Guardian Angels and the therapeutic Tarot.

The number 18 has diverse spiritual and symbolic meanings in different traditions and cultures around the world. Here are some common interpretations:

Judaism: In the Jewish tradition, the number 18 is associated with the word "chai," which means "life" in Hebrew. Because of this association, the number 18 is considered a symbol of good luck and is often used in celebrations and special occasions.

**Kabbalah: In Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, the number 18 is associated with energy and spiritual connection. It is also considered to be the sum of the numbers 9 and 9, symbolizing unity and wholeness.

Christianity: In Christianity, the number 18 has no specific meaning, but is sometimes associated with biblical concepts involving perseverance and goal attainment.

Numerology: In numerology, the number 18 is often reduced to 9 (1 + 8 = 9), representing completion, completion and wisdom. It is also considered a number of transformation and change, suggesting the need to let go of the old to make way for the new.

Hinduism: In the Hindu religion, the number 18 has sacred significance in the epic Mahabharata, which contains 18 chapters and is considered a spiritual and moral guide. The Bhagavad Gita, a section of the Mahabharata, is an important spiritual teaching.

**Taoism: In Taoism, the number 18 symbolizes harmony and balance. It is also associated with yang energy, which represents active and masculine qualities.

Chinese culture: In Chinese culture, the number 18 is considered extremely lucky, as its pronunciation resembles the phrase "to get rich". It is a common number for celebrations and important occasions.

Islam: Although the number 18 has no specific meaning in Islam, in some interpretations it is associated with kindness and benevolence towards others.

Western culturess: In some Western cultures, the number 18 can be interpreted as a symbol of prosperity, success and achievement in material life.

Why are you seeing the number 18?

The appearance of the number 18 in your life is a clear sign that angels are surrounding you with their love and support. This number carries with it a powerful message of transformation and manifestation. The angels are reminding you that you are a co-creator in your life and that you have the power to transform your desires and dreams into reality.

The number 1 symbolizes new beginnings and spiritual leadership. They are encouraging you to stay focused on your goals and to steer your life in new and exciting directions. Trust in your abilities and the divine guidance that accompanies you every step of the way.

The number 8 is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. The angels are reminding you that you deserve all the blessings the universe has in store for you. Trust that your efforts and hard work are being rewarded, and that you are on the right path to manifesting your material and spiritual goals.

Together, the number 18 urges you to align your life with your divine purpose. Listen to your intuition and follow the creative impulses coming from your heart. The angels will guide and support you as you move forward on this journey of transformation and manifestation.
Remember that the angels are always by your side, ready to help and guide you. Open your heart and mind to their messages and signs, and trust that you are in tune with the divine plan for your life.

What role does the number 18 play in numerology and how can it influence our lives?

In numerology, the number 18 has a specific meaning and role based on the properties and energies of the individual numbers that compose it, in this case, 1 and 8. In addition, the number 18 is considered a composite number, which means that the energies of each digit can also be analyzed separately.

Number 1: The number 1 is a symbol of new beginnings, leadership, independence and originality. It represents individuality and the power to manifest your desires through intention and action. In the context of angelic guidance, the number 1 could indicate that the angels are on your side, encouraging you to take initiative in your life, to be courageous in your decisions and to trust in your abilities to create new opportunities.

Number 8: The number 8 is associated with abundance, prosperity, authority and self-realization. It is a number that symbolizes material and spiritual achievement, as well as the law of karma and cosmic justice. In angelic guidance, the number 8 could represent that the angels are supporting your efforts to achieve prosperity and success in all areas of your life, and it could also remind you of the importance of living in balance and harmony.

Overall, the number 18 in numerology is associated with manifesting goals and achieving ambitious accomplishments. It is a number that reflects entrepreneurial energy and the ability to create opportunities for yourself.

The number 18 combines the energies of 1 and 8, which adds depth and meaning to its interpretation in angelic guidance. This number suggests that the angels are working with you to propel you toward new beginnings and opportunities (1) while guiding you toward the manifestation of abundance and success (8). It can be a message that you are on the right path to achieve your goals and that your efforts will be rewarded.

Traditional Numerology: In numerology, the number 18 is often reduced to a single digit by adding its digits together: 1 + 8 = 9. The number 9 is associated with wisdom, spirituality and compassion. In the context of angelic guidance, the number 18 could indicate a connection to spirit guides who offer wisdom and compassion in times of need.

What does the number 18 mean in spirituality?

The number 9 is one of the most significant and complex numbers in numerology. It has a wide range of symbolism and connotations, making it an intriguing number to explore from a numerological perspective.
Some of the highlights of the meaning of the number 9 in numerology are as follows:

  1. Closure and completion: The number 9 is associated with the culmination of a cycle, closure and completion. It represents the end of an important phase in life and suggests that it is time to let go of what no longer serves your growth or evolution. It can be a call to let go of old beliefs, patterns of behavior or relationships that no longer benefit you.

Humanitarianism and compassion: The number 9 is related to compassion, generosity and selfless service to others. Those influenced by the number 9 often feel a deep connection to humanity and strive to make a positive difference in the world. They may be involved in charitable activities, volunteering or work related to helping others.

  1. Spirituality and Wisdom: The number 9 also has spiritual connotations and is associated with the search for inner truth and wisdom. Those with a strong influence of the number 9 may have a deep focus on spiritual growth and expansion of consciousness. They may be interested in meditation, philosophy and spiritual practices.

  2. Transformation and change: The number 9 often suggests the need to embrace change and transformation in life.

  3. It can be a call to let go of the old to make room for new opportunities and experiences. People influenced by the number 9 often face moments of significant change that allow them to evolve and grow.

Creativity and expression: The number 9 is also associated with creativity and artistic expression. Those who resonate with this number often find inspiration in art forms, music, writing or other forms of creative expression. It can be a reminder of the importance of exploring and nurturing your creative gifts.

What are the messages that number 18 wants to communicate to me?

Manifestation and Achievement: Number 18 emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and working diligently to achieve them. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our reality through focused action and determination.

Abundance and Success The number 18 suggests the possibility of financial achievement and success in business ventures. It may indicate a period of economic growth and financial opportunities.

Entrepreneurial Leadership The number 18 is associated with leadership and the ability to make bold decisions. It can inspire us to take initiative in our lives and to exercise authority in a responsible manner.

Resource Management: The number 18 reminds us of the importance of wisely managing our resources, both financial and personal. It is a reminder that our proper management of resources can lead to long-term success.

Karma Cycles: Since the number 8 is related to the law of karma, the number 18 can also imply recognition of the consequences of our past and present actions. It may suggest a time to reap the fruits of our good deeds.

*Remember that the interpretation of the messages of the number 18 is personal and unique to you. Trust your intuition and the connection you have with the spiritual plane to decipher its meaning in relation to your current life and circumstances.

Here are some possible messages that angels may be trying to convey through the number 18:

  1. beginnings: the number 18 can be a reminder that you are at a point in your life where new opportunities and beginnings are presenting themselves. The angels could be encouraging you to embrace these changes and be open to the possibilities before you.

Confidence in your abilities: The angels could be reminding you that you have the power and ability to take charge of your life. Trust your abilities and your intuition as you venture in new directions.

Inner Transformation: The number 18 could signal a period of inner transformation. Angels could be guiding you through a process of self-discovery and personal growth. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, and look for ways to evolve spiritually.

  1. Letting Go of the Old: This number could indicate that it is time to let go of old beliefs, patterns or relationships that no longer serve you. The angels could be encouraging you to release what is holding you back and make room for the new.

  2. Trust in the Flow of Life: The angels may be reminding you that life is constantly changing, and it is important to flow with that change rather than resist it. Keep a positive and open attitude toward the transitions you are experiencing.

Prosperity and Abundance: The number 18 can also be related to the manifestation of prosperity and abundance in your life. Angels may be working with you to help you attract more prosperity through your efforts and positive approach.

Service and Compassion: The angels may be guiding you toward greater compassion and service to others. Consider how you can use your skills and resources to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Balance between the Material and Spiritual: Number 18 may remind you of the importance of maintaining a balance between your material goals and your spiritual growth. The angels could be encouraging you to seek a harmonious approach in all areas of your life.

Here are some practical examples of situations in which someone might repeatedly see the number 18 and how it might be interpreted from an angelic perspective:** **

Career Change: Imagine you are contemplating a career change and you start seeing the number 18 frequently. It could be a sign that the angels are supporting your desire to pursue a new career path. They are encouraging you to take initiative and be confident in your abilities to pursue your career goals.

**Transformational Relationship: If you are experiencing significant changes in a relationship, such as entering a new phase or considering a separation, the constant appearance of the number 18 could suggest that the angels are by your side during this transformation. They are reminding you that change can be positive and that they are there to guide you toward a resolution that is beneficial to your emotional growth.

Starting a Creative Project: Suppose you are about to begin a major creative project, such as writing a book or launching an artistic endeavor. Seeing the number 18 could be a sign that the angels are inspiring and supporting you in this creative process. They are reminding you that you have the power to manifest your vision and to trust in your creative ability.

Important Financial Decisions: If you are making significant financial decisions, such as investing in a new business or managing your finances differently, the constant presence of the number 18 could indicate that the angels are guiding you toward prosperity and success. They are encouraging you to make informed decisions and to trust that your financial efforts will be rewarded.

Spiritual Journey and Self-Exploration: If you are on a journey of self-exploration and spiritual growth, seeing the number 18 could be a sign that the angels are accompanying you on this inner quest. They are encouraging you to keep searching for the truth, to let go of what no longer serves you and to transform into a more authentic version of yourself.

Helping Others: If you have been involved in community service activities or helping others in any way, the appearance of the number 18 could be a reminder that the angels are supporting your efforts to make a positive difference in people's lives. They are guiding you toward compassion and generosity.

What is the connection between the 18 and the therapeutic Tarot?


Explore the unique fusion of creativity and spirituality with the Coloring Book Tarot , an immersive experience that invites you to bring cosmic energies to life through art and divination. Available now on Amazon, this tarot deck will guide you on an introspective journey as you color each card, creating a personal connection to the universal forces that shape your destiny. Discover the art of illuminating your path with sacred colors and symbols.

Transformation awaits you, and the time to embark on a journey of healing and growth is now! Don't miss the opportunity to experience a healing session. Whether you are looking to clarify your path, free yourself from limiting patterns or connect with your inner self, Alejandra is here to guide you.


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