Dreamcatcher Holistic Healing

Ritual to attract abundance and fertility in spring ✨ Discover how to manifest your desires.

Published March 22, 2023

Ritual to attract abundance and fertility in spring ✨ Discover how to manifest your desires.

When to do a spring ritual to increase your abundance, prosperity and fertility?

Are you looking for a way to attract abundance, prosperity and fertility into your life?

Do you feel it's time for renewal and change in your life? If so, I invite you to join me in a beautiful holistic ritual to honor the arrival of spring and attract all that you desire.

The spring equinox is a time of renewal and growth when the natural world awakens from its winter slumber. It is a perfect time to celebrate the sacred union of masculine and feminine energies, and to embrace the cycles of change and transformation that are an essential part of life.

In this video, I will share with you keys from holistic psychology to understand the importance of the spring ritual, as well as reflection questions for fertility and abundance in your life. I will also guide you in the elaboration of your own spring and fertility ritual.

Don't miss this opportunity to manifest your dreams and desires! Join me in this psychomagic act and attract all that you desire in your life.

The vernal equinox is a very special moment in the earth's natural cycle and symbolizes the balance between opposing polarities. This event occurs once a year, around March 20-21 in the northern hemisphere and around September 22-23 in the southern hemisphere. During the vernal equinox, the sun is directly over the equator, resulting in an approximately equal length of day and night throughout the world.

It is important to celebrate this time of fertility, growth and renewal through rituals and traditions that focus on fertility, growth and renewal. Symbolism associated with the vernal equinox includes eggs, baskets, flowers, seeds, rabbits and hares, butterflies, incense, colors, beverages and specific herbs. To increase your abundance, prosperity and fertility at this time, consider decorating and gifting spring eggs, walking in a forest or park to connect with awakening nature, working or planting your magical garden, learning and experimenting with herbs, infusions, magical properties, etc.

When doing a spring ritual, you can consider questions such as: What are you willing to leave behind to allow new things into your life? What are your intentions for this season of renewal and growth? How can you become more aware of nature and your environment during this season? How can you work with the rabbit totem to move through fear, receive secret teachings and strengthen your intuition? How can you cleanse your home and sacred space to allow fresh new energies in? These questions will help you create a meaningful and effective spring ritual that will allow you to honor the balance and renewal this season brings.

How to make a spring ritual to increase your abundance, prosperity and fertility?

Just as the surface of the Earth moves, our spirit and our body invites us to do new things, to cultivate our inner gardens and plant the qualities, ideas, projects we want to start or improve.
What would you like to do in spring to improve your life?
Where do you want to start?

What will you need to do to do your spring ritual (Ostara) and increase your abundance, prosperity and fertility?

  • White paper
  • Pot with soil
  • Purple and black pen
  • Fire (candles) - Earth - Air (smudge, incense) Water-as a transmuting element. We will work with the 4 elements.

I hope this beautiful ritual will help you in the process of increasing your abundance, prosperity and fertility.

And you, are you ready for the change to abundance, prosperity and fertility in your life?

Just as nature changes, we too feel the need to shake off the state of winter, the inertia, the stillness. **It's time to get up, get out and do!

What would you like to do in spring to improve your life and let abundance, prosperity and fertility into your life?

**Where do you want to start?

You don't lose anything by starting by analyzing the situation, so take pen and paper in hand, I suggest the following exercise.

  • Where did you expect to be and how did you expect to find yourself at this moment?
  • Where are you and how are you really?
  • List the advantages, lessons or good things about your current situation.
  • Reflect on what you can do to improve your situation and feel somewhat better about it.
  • Review those areas of your life that you need to work on more, maybe they hold the key to your physical and emotional well-being.
  • Get out in the sun and recharge yourself with its energy. Walk, smile, look for contact with nature.
  • Observe** the animals around you, tune in to them, experience spring the way they do.
  • Review your list of projects, plans, goals. If you don't already have one; it's time to start writing it down.
  • Inject a dose of energy into each of your plans or projects.
  • Analyze** if your list of projects is in harmony with the various areas of your life.
  • Work in every way. Open yourself** to a world of possibilities, **project.
  • Take action, take action, share, seek help.

Renew yourself and be reborn.

Remember that in life we have guides that can give us great lessons even without knowing it, open your eyes and learn from everything around you (nature, people, animals).

Remember also that the only way out of an uncomfortable situation is through movement, if you don't like where you are... move.

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