Dreamcatcher Holistic Healing
Pathfinder Jay


My path to discovering the divine creator I am

Hi, I'm Jay,

One weekend many years ago I found myself in a spiritual retreat, somewhere I had never expected to be. I was in no way looking for God or anything remotely spiritual. But against all odds I awakened that weekend. While singing mantras in a circle, God reached out, touched my heart and I felt a wave of love as I had never experienced before.

It took me days to fully comprehend what had happened, so profound was that moment. But from that moment on I became aware that there is an entire dimension of reality beyond what our five senses perceive. God was no longer something to follow blindly but rather to experience. Something that could be known if only I opened myself to him.

I became an obsessive searcher for years reading books, taking courses, meditating, praying. Something within me yearned for truth, salvation, the kingdom of God, enlightenment- I realized how truly empty and depressed my life had been and desperately searched for that part of me that had been missing.

I took many detours and went down many dead-end streets. Followed the wrong gurus. Focused on the wrong things. But I told myself over and over again “if you have faith and are persistent” you will discover the joyful, happy life that is merely waiting for you to discover it.

During this time I experienced a great many healing techniques including reiki, pranic healing, pendulum healing, akashic records healing, ho’oponopono, emotional freedom technique / tapping, theta healing and much more.

But over time I came to a series of conclusions that served to crystalize my faith and approach.

We are divine creators. Techniques, objects, systems and beliefs are simply different ways to focus our creative energy. Thoughts and emotions heal based on what we believe.
There are many books published in the last century that contain all the truth that any spiritual seeker requires. These books offer a clearer understanding of spiritual laws for modern minds than most religious texts.

The true Jesus offers a clear pathway to spiritual enlightenment which historically has been referred to as salvation or entering into the kingdom of God. These paths are one and the same and lead to the same understanding: that we are One with God, one with every single human and one with everything.

As these learnings became clearer to me, I realized the need to completely forgive every person, every situation, every conflict in the world around me. Every resistance to life I experienced was simply a mirror of that which required healing within me.

And over time I became lighter and lighter, more at peace with myself and the world around me, more joyful, more inspired. Life became easier as divine guidance became clearer.

Most of my focus was on learning how to heal myself but over time I realized that I have gifts that must be shared with others, which led me to offer my spiritual guide and energy healing services.

I asked God for truth and to set me free and in turn I offered to walk the path that he put before me, wherever it might lead me. If you seek truth and freedom then it would be my pleasure to meet you.

Thank you.

Dreamcatcher Holistic Healing


Family Constellation Therapy

Online Soul Connection Reiki with Jay

Shamanic Energy Healing

In-Person Four-Hands Shamanic Reiki With Ale and Jay

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